Hey guys!! So it's been a while and i wanted to update everyone!! Michael just returned home from a 7 month deployment to Japan.. Before he left we started fertility again to try for another baby, a sibling for Zayne:) I went through two IUI's first wasn't a success and the second I got pregnant but it was a tubal.. After going through that miscarriage with the tubal and all i decided to wait until he returned to continue treatment because i was an emotional wreck.. I was lucky enough that Zayne and I were able to go to Florida/Alabama and be with my family for a couple months.. That really helped me a lot with Michael being away it took my mind off a lot of things..
Zayne Turned 2 November 6th while we were home..i still can't believe we have a two year old :) God is good!! He's so smart and knows exactly what he wants he reminds me so much of myself its scary lol He's my mini me thats for sure!!
So fast forwarding til now we have started fertility treatment again (yes i know we haven't told anyone we've kept it a secret) surprise!!! :) I went in for a folicile scan today 1/24/2014 and I had 3 eggs however only ones the size we need it to be measuring a little over 21mm the other bigger one was just a little over 17mm and the last one a little smaller... This cycle i took clomid days 5-9 of my cycle which is a little different than normal as i usually take it 3-7 so that may have something to do with it.. not quite sure.. Anyway my Dr said tomorrow evening she will go ahead and administer my HCG shot and Monday we will do the IUI.. We're super nervous and happy.. So if you don't mind please say prayers for us and send good vibes :) I promise to keep you guys updated with everything that happens during our journey!!
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Quick catch up!! Its been a while...
Posted by Amberlee at 12:06 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
16 Months today where does the time go ..
Our sweet baby boy is growing so fast he's 16 months today and it honestly feels like I just had him yesterday.. He's turning into such a lil man... BIG attitude and such a BIG personality lol... Mommy and Daddy love you baby boy!!
Posted by Amberlee at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Turning One :)
Our lil man just turned ONE 11/06/11...we still can't believe it.. It's crazy how fast time flys by seems like yesterday when we had him :) He had a wonderful Birthday with all his amazing friends.. It was Mickey Mouse club house style :)
Posted by Amberlee at 12:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Our New Beginning...
Zayne Noah Factor our precious miracle entered the world via csection on 11/6/11 at 8:50pm before my scheduled c section..He came at 38 weeks 4 days weighing 11lbs 14.4 oz yes he was an almost 12 pound baby lol They were expecting him to be around 9 or 10 pounds.. The drs first words I heard were "oh wow it's a BIG baby" lol..He got stuck during the c section he was so big the Drs had to actually get on top of my belly to push him out it was crazy.. Our stay in the hospital was 3 days if I remember correctly..one side of the hospital called him tank and the other called him moose we were like celebrities there with Mr Zayne being so big and cute lol. We were released and came home on nov 9th and then had to return the 10th, 11th and 12th because Zayne had jaundice they finally decided to keep us on the 12th and put him under the lights we stayed there for a night where I also found out I had cellulitis from the c section in my stomach (not where my incision was) I was in so much pain..We were released the next day with Zayne and his jaundice was under control it took me about 4 weeks to heal from the cellulitis and going to the Dr every two days which was a 2 hour drive to get checked..
---Fast forwarding 10 Months---
9/6/12 - Zaynes now 10 Months growing so much everyday now and he's such an amazing lil man..He's very advanced for his age hes 25.8 lbs and 30.5 inches long and he's 98 percentile for height and weight ..
He's running around everywhere these days... always learning something new.. He's been walking since 8 1/2 months and he's saying words :)
I will post pics of Mr Zayne from birth to now for all you guys to see and I really have to start taking time to blogg more..I can't believe Zayne will be 11 months old in 3 days wow time is sure flying by..
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6 days before Zayne was born |
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There's his head :) |

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Zayne 22 weeks |
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24 weeks |
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28 weeks |
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Zayne 29 weeks |
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Zayne 28 weeks 3D |
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Zayne 28 Weeks 3D |
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Zayne 29 weeks fist pumping lol |
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Zayen 29 weeks 3D |
Posted by Amberlee at 1:10 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Quick Update :)
We are Having a Baby Boy :) we found out at 15 weeks 2 days we're so excited! His name is Zayne Noah. They have me scheduled to be induced at 39 weeks which is Nov 9th unless he decides to come sooner :) I'm a little over 21 weeks now and loving every moment of it. I feel Mr Zayne moving all around it's such an amazing feeling and we thank God everyday for letting us have this precious baby growing inside me :) I will upload some pics as soon as I get my computer up and running again sorry for the delay. We are having our baby shower July 17th so excited about that! For now we're just waiting for Mr Zayne to make his grand appearance :)
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15 weeks when we found out :) |
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29 week boy parts :) |
Posted by Amberlee at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Much needed Update!!!!
Sorry it has been forever since an update.... so not nice of me just been really busy... but that's still no excuse :) Anyway so I have had several ultrasounds since the last update and I will be posting lots of pics :) Our last ultrasound was was May 2nd and 4th as I seen both of my Drs that's why there were 2.. The heart rates so far have been 174/171/170/170/160/153 So I'm thinking they are staying pretty high.. We are hoping to find out what we are having on June 1st fingers crossed :) We can't wait!! We go in May 17th to meet with Dr Wong at Providence he will be my OB there and the one delivering me so we're excited to meet him.. We have truly been blessed with such wonderful Drs from NAS OH and Providence we're so so thankful for them! May 2nd we had our first set of blood work and scan for the Down Syndrome test when we go in June 1st we will have our 2nd blood draw then we will just wait to here back with the results. We figured we would go ahead and elect to do the test cause after all Tricare pays for it and we got another u/s :) Either way it's our baby! Also I have been measuring almost a week ahead the whole time so that's exciting too :) Today I'm officially 13 weeks although measuring around 14 we're so thankful! Here's some pics from all the ultrasounds we have had some are good some are blurry.. I will try to keep my blog updated a little better for ya'll :) And as always we really appreciate every ones prayers for us through our journey we're so thankful for such wonderful friends and family!!
Posted by Amberlee at 12:06 PM 0 comments
Blog Archive
About Me
- Amberlee
- Hi my names Amber I'm 32 years old and we're trying for baby #2.. We have to undergo fertility so it's a difficult ride!! I've been pregnant 5 times with one live birth our son Zayne Noah he's our Miracle and we don't know what we would do without him.. He's truly an amazing gift from God!! Our whole world :)

RIP Baby Love! Mommy and Daddy miss and love you!! You will always be remembered!!