Monday, March 7, 2011

Blood work Today...

Hi everyone.. So I went in for another HCG count today.. The one on Friday was 14 and that was day 9 since my IUI (Insemination) today (Monday) it was 114 so it has went up way more than the thought it would have.. So we're happy about that.. They want me to come back in on Friday for another one and then from there Dr. S said he would decide when he wanted to do my first ultrasound.. We're so excited but I'm nervous at the same time... It's in Gods hands though and what he wants will be... So I will update you guys with my results on Friday they should be way up there by then... As far as how I'm feeling I'm very very tired but having trouble sleeping at night I'm also peeing a lot and having some nausea. lower back pain on and off and cramping on and off.. I ask about all that and they said that's pretty normal so we will see how it all goes....Thanks everyone again for all the prayers so far we're so grateful  :) My computers broke right now so when we get it back I will post some pics on here..