Friday, January 28, 2011

Acupuncture Today....

So today I went in for Acupuncture.. It went great!!! I had a ton of needles all over my body including my head. I know ouch right? Nope didn't hurt at all.....I was even told I was a great patient :) She also did the cupping  procedure on my shoulder and back again.......I'm in a little pain tonight but guess that just means it's working.... I will post some pictures of the marks I have after this procedure for a couple days which is normal...The pictures are not that great but you can get the idea.... I have 7 more days til I go in for my blood test to see if I'm preggo...... This feels like the longest 7 days ever lol..... I have been having some cramping and what feels like I have been bruised in my pelvic area and a few sharp pains on and off... When I asked my Dr he said that was all good signs :) If that's the case I need to take the pain and love it lol..Tomorrow (1/29) is 4 days past my IUI...... I'm having lots of  thick discharge kind of yellow/white I asked my acupuncturist today about that and she said that's good so hopefully with all the "Good" things that are happening we will have a Big Fat Positive test result :)
Here are some pictures from today...


Lauren said...

I can't wait to be an Aunt lol !

Anonymous said...


I really enjoy reading your journey so far with trying to conceive. It sounds so familar to my own and it's good to know what other people are experiencing and what I am experiencing is normal. I am praying you get a positive test this month.
Christine Kowalski

Amberlee said...

Thanks sweet heart we are continuing to pray for you both as well... It's nice having someone who understands the emotional roller coaster we are on.... Some times it seems like it would just be so easy to give up..... but nope that's the easy way out... we will continue to push forward because it's in Gods hands now and he has a plan for both of us :) we just dont know what it is yet... Keep thinking positive love I know it's so very hard but God has brought us through this far for a reason he only gives us what we can handle. Everything that has happened to us this past year has made us stronger. I feel that I'm here to be able to help others who have been through or going through something along these lines and I will try my best to help them as much as I can because I know the pain it caused me. We love you guys and take care sweetie! **Baby Dust**