“We wonder”…
We wonder who you were?
We wonder what your personality would have been like?
I wonder if you would have looked like me?
We wonder alot of things…
like why? and WHEN?
But there are some things I don’t wonder…because I know.
Like how much we already loved you.
I don’t doubt God, not at all.
We just wonder how it would have felt to hold you in our arms…
but it’s okay because now we know you're in the arms of Someone who
loved you even more.
Life is so short, yours had just begun, not out of the womb yet
but you were already a “someone”.
I know God is my strength right now because
without Him I just couldn’t go on.
But now I’ll take life…new life, at the time of conception-
not for granted!
It’s all a true miracle that only God deciedes.
Thank You God for creating a little miracle inside me
and even though it’s time was very short…
it was our little miracle nonetheless.